Our Activity
This website is operated by “CEC Japan” , “SLPC” and “Studio-Landscape” for the support of children living in the slums of the Philippines.
There are so many children who can’t buy any foods and can’t go to school, in the Philippines even in this moment. The contributor of this weblog “Teenage Mom” is one of them. She is very nice person but had a very very hard life. But she always say “I am happy!” and does not stop smiling at ant time. Why?
We really want you to know it. That is the reason why we start this weblog project. Ofcourse, her article is not perfect. It may have many mistake. But imagine that she is writing this article using small old secondhands mobilephone! It is not a MacBook! And worse thing is her mobilephone often stop to work. Then she need to write again from the beggining of articles. Can you believe it?
This is the reason why we support the children in the Philippines. “CEC Japan” and “SLPC” are doing various activities to support children. I hope we can find “Why” someday.
Thank you very much.
CEC Japan Network